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Our Work

Enterprise Borden Data Centre


Client: Shared Services Canada, Defence Construction Canada

Project Goals
To consolidate over 500 data centres, Shared Services Canada and Defence Construction Canada sought proposals from various consortia for the engineering, construction, financing, and operation of a flagship data centre on Forces Base Borden. Ehvert’s consortium was selected as the successful proponent on this public-private partnership project and construction commenced in May 2016.

This project is being constructed in 4 phases and has an end-state, designed IT load of 5MW, with provisions for expansion to 8 MW. Each phase will consist of the construction of one 12,000ft2 computer room and all supporting infrastructure. An existing data centre on the site is remaining fully operational throughout construction and will transition to the new facility after completion of phase 1 of the new data centre.

Project Results
The facility has achieved Uptime Tier III Design Documents certification and is currently under construction. The facility is targeting and anticipates achievement of Uptime Tier III Constructed Facility certification and LEED NC 2009 Silver certification.

Using KyotoCooling units and free-cooling pumped-refrigerant units with air-side economization, this facility has been designed to achieve a Level 3 PUE of 1.32.

In addition to designing the facility, Ehvert is performing on-site coordination and layout services, compressing the overall project schedule.
